From the Pastor’s Desk: July 2024

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From the Pastor's Desk


Summer always goes by way too fast. When the weather is warm, school is out, and sunlight lasts longer, if you’re anything like my nine-year-old son, you’ve got a list a mile long of fun things you want to do outside. Pools to swim in, camping trips to take, parks and playgrounds to visit, games to play, outdoor concerts, festivals, and events to attend, and bedtime to prolong as long as possible. And, inevitably, every year, summer ends and a new school year begins with still plenty of summer adventures left to try to squeeze in at the last minute.

I know, I know, it’s only July—still plenty of summer days ahead to enjoy! But every year it seems we’re just a little more cognizant of the fleeting time we have to enjoy the summer sun.

Here’s something we still have to look forward to: VBS! Join us for a week at Camp Firelight as we learn about God’s love together! The verse from Psalm 56 is the main memory verse for the week and we’ll hear stories from the Bible that teach us about putting our trust in God, even and especially when we are afraid. Our churches will be infested with bugs and campers alike, as we embark on a camping adventure together!

There will be VBS at St. Philip’s UCC on July 22-26, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am. A huge THANK YOU for sharing the curriculum and all the decorations with St. John again this year!

There’s still time to get involved and join the Camp Firelight adventure! There’s still time to register your kids/grandkids/neighborhood kids/etc. (St. Philip’s registration is on the website and hard copies are available). There’s still time to volunteer to help (reach out to Andrea Tukin, unless you want to volunteer to help with acting out the Bible stories, in which case, reach out to Pastor Laura). There’s still time to lend a hand to making the decorations! There’s still time to invite your friends! There’s still time to prayerfully consider how you might support making this year’s VBS weeks the best ever!

There are still plenty of summer days ahead, still plenty of summer adventures to be had, and still plenty of opportunities to put our trust in God!

Pastor Laura