Worldwide Communion Sunday: October 3, 2021

ChurchNews & Events

World Communion Sunday

Worldwide Communion Sunday is October 3, 2021. We will not be able to prepare a variety of ethnic breads and share them on this Sunday, but we are encouraging everyone who attends church in person, to bring a special bread (bagel – Poland, croissant – France, banana bread – South Africa, etc.) for you to personally enjoy during communion. This will be a nice break from the communion wafers currently being used.

If you choose not to bring a bread from home, or you forget to bring a bread, no worries. The little wine/wafer cups will still be available for you to use. Pick one up for the wine if you are bringing a bread.

Folks worshipping at home virtually, we encourage you to also choose an ethnic bread of your choice for communion on this Sunday.